Monday, April 4, 2011

The Truman Show

“Nothing is fake. It’s merely controlled” -Marlon. Imagine living in a world where you’re always being watched and you don’t even know it. Imagine the whole world revolving around you, everybody around you there because of you. Everybody around you isn’t who you think; they all have another life outside the one they show you. For many years Truman lived in a fantasy world in which Christ of the director created for him. For thirty years Truman believed that his wife was married because they loved each other, his mother far his true mom, and his best friend we always tell him the truth. In reality it was completely opposite his wife was with him because it was her job, his mother wasn’t his real mother, and his best friend lied to him his whole life. “The Truman Show” is a good movie because it has a deeper meaning and message behind it. Yet I didn’t like some of the factors of the movie. I liked the fantasy of the movie because the realness of this show occurring is to me not possible. The philosophical statements and quotes said in the movie have some truthiness and meaning to them. The ending to the movie was not want I was expecting or so realistic. “The Truman Show” is a good movie to watch.  
The world that Christof the director of “The Truman Show” paints to Truman the main actor is unrealistic in the real world. There are many reasons why a show like this wouldn’t be able to occur in a real life setting. First it’s inhuman to adopt a child at birth just for the benefit of Television Show Company; this wouldn’t go by in the world we live in now. Someone would obviously do something to stop the show or let the actor know what’s occurring. It’s also not realistic because it would be impossible to fit a small town in a globe. For example let’s use Truman as our character, Truman would have to attend college and wonder what the world outside his little town is like. He would want to travel at visit places. It’s just impossible in keep someone for years in the same town without leaving just once. The characters to the movie are so unrealistic, for example his wife. In real life how would someone what to work night and day for a lifetime showing affection to someone because it’s their job. This setting just seems so fake and unreal. For example, in the show Truman’s wife is an actor yet has no other life so how does she have a personal life outside of “work”. The pay must be outrageous, but would it be worth it? This type of show is possible but realistically will never occur. In order for it to occur we would need tons of cameras and people willing to devote their life to such a show like “The Truman Show”. It’s also impossible to create a world were everything is picture perfect and revolves around one person. There are shows now that are similar like, Jersey Shore, Real World, and The Kardashians. Yet all this characters on this shows know they are being filmed.  In all I find “The Truman Show” unrealistic, also I don’t think such a show will occur in the future.
After all, even though “The Truman Show” show seems so unrealistic, the philosophical ideas behind the script are meaningful and somewhat true.  Christof the director of the show says many statements and quotes that get you thinking and somewhat actually reflect on real life. “We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.” –Chirstof. This statement is so true; we accept the reality of what only believe. If we were raised in towns were violence and crimes were all we saw, we would think that is our only reality unless we actually take the time to look outside the walls that surround us. Truman in the movie thought that the world around him was actually reality when in fact it was planned out what was to happen each day. He was presented that world since he was little, so to him that was his reality world. Until he found out otherwise that his life was all planned out. Another statement, “I know you better than you know yourself.” – Christof to Truman. Truman replies, “You don’t have a camera in my head.” I find this conversation between Christof and Truman so funny yet meaningful. First of all, because even though Christof spend all his life creating the character of Truman, his time was wasted because at the end Truman always had the last decision to leave or stay. Christof thought that making him fear of water and creating this perfect world for him would keep him there. The funny part is that Christof placed cameras everywhere to watch Truman, but like Truman said there wasn’t one in his mind so he didn’t know him better. So with this said Sylvia to Christof, “What right do you have?”  Yes, what right did Christof have? He had no right to make this perfect world for Truman, everything was fake because he controlled. How can something not be fake when its being controlled, is just simply is fake. In all the philosophical statements made were somewhat truthful and meaningful.
The ending to “The Truman Show” was to me a bit in simple and cheesy. The movie ended with Truman’s last words to Christof, “In case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night.” His last were just sounded so planned out and also sounded so corny. I didn’t like how we didn’t get to see what happened between Truman and Sylvia, the ending would have been so much better if the reunion of the two would have been showed. Also whatever would have happened to Christof. I think Christof simply gave up everything took all the money he got from the show and went far away we nobody knew him. If there were to be a sequel after the first movie I would have Truman and Christof talk about what happened. The conversation between them would be so interesting to watch. I would also have all the close people that were close to Truman in the show come to talk too. Also the relationship between Truman and Sylvia, there would probably a reality show of the two. The only difference is that they would know they are being filmed. The ending to “The Truman Show” wasn’t what I what to see or had an interesting ending.
In conclusion, “The Truman Show” was a great movie to watch even though there were some factors I didn’t like of the movie. The philosophical statements said in the movie are truth and connect to the movie really well. The chances of a show like “The Truman Show” airing are unlikely to occur. The movie is unrealistic just because in unrealistic to watch someone 24 hours a day without them knowing for thirty years. The ending to the movie are so cheesy and boring to me. There could have been a better and a more interesting ending to this movie. In all Truman in didn’t live in a fake world in was merely controlled.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


• What seven items should you bring with you when you are shooting an interview?
(Clocks Tick Tock Making Heads Pound Loudly)
Microphone (are not to be seen) should be a hand loose away
Power source
Light source

• Shooting into a light source = shooting into a light source causes a SILHOUETTE

Button to adjust =back light button, flash
• Where do you want your light source?
light should always be behind the camera

• On what object should you focus the camera?
-the 1st thing a camera operator should focus on the noise
• No tripod=
• Date and Time=
this is permanently recorded on you tape
always shoot in SP
• Camera shoots in ________________.
• Pre-Roll - 2-3 sec before you start your interview
-begin recording so we can edit without cutting off words
-room to edit
• Post-Roll-
-DYNAMIC = has some depth, not plain
-interviewee is at least 6-8 ft from wall
-interviewee IS the background
• 1 shot = middle of the chest to above the heads
• 1 Shot with graphic = middle of the chest to above the head, to the side
• 2 Shot = is two people in middle of the chest to above the head, only if want to anchors
• CU - close up, shows detail

• MS- medium shot, showing a little more detail

• LS - long shot, sets the scene
• ECU - extreme close up. really show detail and expression
• Rule of thirds - imaginary lines are drawn dividing the image into thirds both horz. and vert. You place important elements of your composition where the lines are.
• Tilt - moving the camera up and down
• Pan - moving the camera left and right
• Zoom - changing the focal lengh without moving camera (following action)
• Dolly - physical moving the camera on wheels
• Key - most important light, the brightest light, behind the camera
• Fill - fill in the shadows that are caused by the key light
• Back - opposite to the key light, to provide depth from behind
• Unidirectional - takes sound in one direction
• Omnidirectional - takes sound from all directions, cameras have this type of microphone
• Cardiod - heart shaped, focused on the person who's talking
• Lav/Lapel Microphone - the ones that clips to your shirt, picks up sound from one direction 
  • • Boom Microphone - one that is on a pole, sound from one direction

Friday, February 25, 2011

Topic - Nancy's Kidney Transplant
Angle - Recovery process.
10 Steps to Writing a Story – Broadcast Journalism

1. Find a topic.
-What is your story about?
-Who is your audience?
-Why is the this story important to your audience?

2. Find an angle.
-What about your topic?
-More specifically, what is important about your topic?
-What should the reader learn?
-summarize in 3 words: subject, verb, object
-wife awaits solider

3. Collect information.
-Who are the experts for this story?
-Do you need opposing points of view?
-What interview questions should I ask?
-What other research must be done to complete the story?

4. Conduct the interview.
-Ask open ended questions.
-Get good sounds bytes. A PIECE OF AUDIO THAT CAN STAND ALONE.
-Have the person restate the question in the interview.
-Interview three people, and ask three questions

5. Shoot your reporter Stand-UP.
-Should have a good idea what story is about
-Stand-UP should provide information that audience doesn't know
-Use Stand-UP for transition from one location to the next
-No first person: I went

6. Organize your sound bytes.
-What quotes should I use?
-How can I organize the quotes to tell a story?
-What are my gold nuggets?
-Sprinkle the nuggets throughout the story!

7. Write segues in your story.
-Use words that tie the interviews together.
-What other information can I add to the story?
-Can the story stand on its own?

8. Write the Beginning and End of your story.
-Write the body first
-Best sound bytes for beginning and end
-Paraphrase a sound byte at the beginning
-Leave then with strongest sound byte at end
-Leave them with hope

9. Write ins and outs (if necessary).
-What should the anchors say to introduce my story or bring it to a close? No scoop went to find out.
-How should the story begin and end?
-Use attention getters at the introduction but avoid rhetorical questions?

10. Collect B-ROLL to add to your story (throughout steps 4-9)
-How can video enhance my story?

*Steps 4-8 in your story are called the A-ROLL.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

1. What are the 5 freedoms of the 1st amendment?
  • speech
  • press
  • assemble
  • petition
  • religion           
2. What is the Tinker Standard?
  •  Student speech cannot be censored as long as it does not "materially disrupt class work or involve substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others
3. What is the Frasier Standard?
  •  Because school officials have an " interest in teaching students the boundaries of socially appropriate behavior," they can censor student speech that is vulgar or indecent, even if it does not cause a "material or substantial disruption."
4. What is the Hazelwood Standard?
  • Censorship of school sponsored student expression is permissible when school officials can show that it is "reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns." 
5. What is the Frederick Standard
  • January 2002, Olympic torch travels through town
  • Principal Morse cancels school
  • Senior Frederick unveils banner on the sidewalk across street which reads "Bong Hits 4 Jesus"
  • Suspended for 10 days
6. What is the definition of libel?
  • has to be false, has to be spoken, printed, broadcast, hurts someone's character